


Grantee Sales Date Sales Price Sales Code Deed Bk/Pg# Deed Doc ID#
4075 WB OWNER LLC 9/11/2024 $27,600,000 1-Foreclosure, Auction, Bankru / 20240100010654
TWO LIBERTY CENTER OWNER LLC 8/20/2019 $91,200,000 / 20190100015041
37-4075 WILSON OWNERS LLC 10/27/2017 $72,012,500 / 20170100021942
BALLSTON INVESTOR GROUP IV 5/5/2006 $0 F-Multiple RPCs Not Market Sal 3976/2514
BALLSTON INVESTOR GROUP IV 3/13/2006 $0 A-Correction Deed 3958/1145
BALLSTON INVESTOR 8/15/2005 $0 5-Not Market Sale 3889/1318
BALLSTON INVESTOR GROUP LLC 7/28/2005 $0 D-Resub/Declaration 3877/0517

RPC Address Sales Date Sales Price Sales Code Deed Bk/Pg# Deed Doc ID#
14-044-022 4075 WILSON BLVD 9/11/2024 $27,600,000 1-Foreclosure, Auction, Bankru / 20240100010654
14-013-022 4601 FAIRFAX DR 8/30/2023 $25,000,000 / 20230100010178
14-013-049 1100 N GLEBE RD 11/15/2021 $118,000,000 / 20210100037121
14-060-077 675 N RANDOLPH ST 9/9/2021 $196,534,944 / 20210100031454
14-016-019 1005 N GLEBE RD 7/26/2021 $50,150,000 / 20210100027702
14-045-002 4040 FAIRFAX DR 7/30/2020 $0 D-Resub/Declaration / 20200100018445

QUESTIONS? Contact the Department of Real Estate Assessments at 703-228-3920 or assessments@arlingtonva.us

Note: Arlington County assesses a stormwater fee, which is billed on your real estate tax bill. For questions regarding the stormwater utility fee, please contact stormwaterutility@arlingtonva.us or by phone at 703-228-5577.